Sunday, August 9, 2009

A BBE week!

I had a wonderful week. It was blessed, busy and emotional. I was blessed to get to know and work closely with my new co-workers. It was smiles and laughs all day. My new favorite phrase is "That makes me happy!" I was also blessed with some incredible photo sessions. All of the sessions got me all fired up. And there are still more pictures to come..... It was an emotional time since my baby learned to jump off the diving board, into the deep water all with out a life vest. And he took the leap from a dear ol' friends house after watching her older son. It is priceless when the little ones finally "go for it." And today my baby left for Grandma's house. He is on his first long adventure with out Mom & Dad. I already miss him. There is no chocolate milk to be made, no vitamins to administer and no stories to read....

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