Sunday, August 30, 2009

My neighbors

I have some wonderful neighbors. Yes, they do all the traditional good things like get my mail, invite Zach over to swim and make sure my garage is closed. But their kids always make me want to grab my camera. And luckily I happen to have my camera on this day. Saturday was such a nice day to be outside. And I never pass up the opportunity to go escape to the Savoy's backyard. Little Emily was being so cute. I could not resist getting a few shots. And don't forget little Morgan. Is he not the cutest thing you ever saw? Thank you for a wonderful afternoon!

When they get it!

It is the greatest feeling in the world. I have a typical, only child. He is extremely cautious. But he will not be out done by any other boy. (in particularly if he is slightly older) In April my in laws took us on a cruise. Zach would not even let his Grandy take him out in 5 ft of water on his shoulders in Mexico. He went from fear to fearless. And we had no lessons this year. What a joy to see him "go for it." And he does it over and over again.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


WOW is truly the best word to describe this past week. So, many blessings, so much happiness and so so much emotion. Zach started kindergarten this week. It was bitter sweet. I pray he keeps his eagerness to learn. He loved Latin and came home quoting Latin words. He got to go through the big kids line in the cafeteria. And today he asked me to let him walk in alone. That was heartbreaking.
But I have had such a blessed distraction this week. I started my new part time job. ALL of my kids are wonderful. They are so, so sweet and melt my heart. I am having so, so much fun teaching. My boss says being a preschool teacher is the best job in the world. And she's right!

Drews Family

Have you ever seen a more beautiful family? The girls were an absolute delight! And Mom is so beautiful. More pictures coming...I promise.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Puppy Love....

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pictures. These children are so special and dear to me. They always, always set a fire inside me every time I get the opportunity to capture these special moments in their life. What a blessing!!!!! Don't you just want to go out and buy a golden retriever?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A BBE week!

I had a wonderful week. It was blessed, busy and emotional. I was blessed to get to know and work closely with my new co-workers. It was smiles and laughs all day. My new favorite phrase is "That makes me happy!" I was also blessed with some incredible photo sessions. All of the sessions got me all fired up. And there are still more pictures to come..... It was an emotional time since my baby learned to jump off the diving board, into the deep water all with out a life vest. And he took the leap from a dear ol' friends house after watching her older son. It is priceless when the little ones finally "go for it." And today my baby left for Grandma's house. He is on his first long adventure with out Mom & Dad. I already miss him. There is no chocolate milk to be made, no vitamins to administer and no stories to read....

Mason & Madison

Have you ever seen such cutie pies....both of them? I just want to squeeze and kiss those cheeks. I love, love, love this family. I really miss my former neighbors. (and so does Zach) And this friend blessed us with treats.....Russ loves the home made tamales....Zach loves the real chocolate...I love them both.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Miss Brianna

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Black & White Special

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